Gallery stArt to Art in Knokke and Grobbendonk
Discover the world of art at stArt to Art in Knokke and Grobbendonk
At stArt to Art you will discover a diverse range of modern art with a nice balance between accessible and affordable pieces on the one hand, and leading works and prestigious design items on the other.
The largest distributor of QLOCKTWO in the BeNeLux
Come all versions of the word clocks of QLOCKTWO in the gallery in Knokke and be enchanted by this piece of engineering. With this unparalleled design, you bring a beautiful work of art into your home.
See all versions of the QLOCKTWO Earth.
Discover the new QLOCKTWO Moon.
stArt to Art is the largest distributor of QLOCKTWO in the BeNeLux.
What makes stArt to Art so special?
In addition to breathtaking clocks, the gallery also offers works by talented artists, including Luc De Maeght, Joke Verrelst, Monique Lipsch and Rose Marie Warzée.
In addition, there is an extensive selection of indoor and outdoor sculptures and decorative items to beautify your interior.

Moon by ADU - A Deeper Understanding
Moon Alabaster (Nieuw!)
QLOCKTWO regularly releases limited editions of the QLOCKTWO Earth. These copies are produced in limited editions and are therefore only temporarily available.
Some toppers in a row
QLOCKTWO Earth From Biegert & Funk
Choose the QLOCKTWO Earth that suits youThe QLOCKTWO Earth by Biegert & Funk represents time in words. This design topper is a true work of art in your interior.
stArt to Art is Certified Expert and the largest distributor of QLOCKTWO in the BeNeLux.
Sculptures in composite
View and buy a sculpture in composite materialThese high-quality sculptures are made from composite material and are available in many shapes and colors.
Saint of Love from Luc De Maeght
Read all about the Saint of Love of Luc De MaeghtDiscover the beautiful figurines Saint of Love by the Belgian artist Luc De Maeght. Each figurine personalizes the universal message of love.
The Visitor from Guido Deleu
Read all about the Visitor from Guido DeleuThe figurines that everyone loves. Many designs and sizes are available, both in ceramic and bronze.
Worldview Of Ottmar Hörl
Choose and buy a Worldview imageGerman artist Ottmar Hörl creates sculptures in plastic that can find a place both indoors and outdoors.
The man with the binoculars (Worldview) exists in a standing and seated version and is available in several colors.
Bronze with stone statues of Luise Kött-Gärtner
View and buy a bronze with stone statueA collection of beautiful and affordable bronze with stone sculptures with a message.
Give yourself or a loved one a wonderful gift.
Astro - Sterrenbeelden
Bekijk de Astro-collectieOntdek de nieuwe Astro-sculpturen van de Deense beeldhouwer Malene Bjelke.
Deze collectie bestaat uit 12 unieke dierenriemsculpturen met een moderne, spirituele touch. -
The Window from Erli Fantini
View and buy the Window of Erli FantiniThe beautiful series The Window is a collection of bronze sculptures by the Brazilian artist Erli Fantini.
Bronze sculptures
Buy a bronze statueLimited edition bronze sculptures with a unique look by various Belgian and foreign artists such as Jacques Vanroose, Guy Buseyne, Guido Deleu, Ann Vrielinck, etc.
JinGoo, Chirp and Bird
Buy a JinGoo, Chirp or Bird from DaqiConceptThe centerpiece of the collection of DaqiConcept is a characteristic bird. This collection uniquely combines traditional craftsmanship with modern technology.
Beelden in composiet
Bekijk en koop een beeld in composiet materiaalDeze hoogwaardige beelden zijn gemaakt van uit composiet materiaal en zijn verkrijgbaar in vele vormen en kleuren.
Cá d'Oro - Mondgeblazen glaswerk
Ontdek het glaswerk van Cá d'OroBij Cá d'Oro maken bekwame ambachtslieden gebruik van mondgeblazen technieken om het glas te vormen, snijden en polijsten.

Biegert & Funk
QLOCKTWO Earth Desert
Imponeer en betover met de nieuwste uitvoering van de QLOCKTWO Earth.
De QLOCKTWO Earth Creators Edition Desert bestaat uit ongepolijste marmer en wordt gekenmerkt door een uniek oppervlaktereliëf met een fascinerend samenspel van zand, licht en schaduw.

German Design Award Winner 2024
Discover Odette, the beautiful new work by Joke Verrelst in our gallery in Knokke.

Joke Verrelst
Ontdek het nieuwste werk van Joke Verrelst en maak kennis met haar prachtige Mozaïekportretten in resine.

Michel Peeraer
Fotograaf Michel Peeraer is laureaat en finalist van de grootste fotowedstrijd ter wereld georganiseerd door het wereldvermaarde maandblad Photo.
Met een unieke aanpak van beeldbewerking creëerde hij al snel een herkenbare stijl.

Elke Meulendijks
Elke Meulendijks vindt inspiratie in haar tuin, waar de eeuwenoude platanen haar muze zijn. De kleuren en het licht spatten uit het doek de kamer in.
Customers appreciate our personal approach
Proudly rated 4.9/5 by 600+ customers
Follow-up & Service afterwards is top
Very friendly manager, very smooth and well packed shipment. Follow up & service afterwards is also top.
Bart C.
Worthy of your trust
Correct, honest and friendly people. Worthy of trust.
PS their clock is really a best seller....👍Rudi K.
Delivered perfectly
Very well packaged, delivered perfectly at home. Very good service! Thank you.
Rina V.
Customer is king
Very friendly and customer is king there. They make every effort to make you content. Super content always when I buy something there. Thank you for the effort always.
Esri E.
Correct and fast shipping.
Correct and fast shipping and delivery.
Very securely packed which was very important considering the fragile matter.
Great experience, worth repeatingDiane F.
Great experience
Fine experience with the operators of Start to Art. Went several times and received explanation and drink each time with smile.
Christine K.
Good help
Super happy with the purchase, very well helped with our choice by the 2 super nice and friendly owners!
Caroline S.
Fast turnaround
Quick processing of our order! Well and securely packed and the figurine is even more beautiful than in the picture!
Sonja V.
Super explanation
Pleasant reception, super explanation and beautiful item 😀 we are very satisfied 🙏👍
Luc L.
My questions were answered quickly
Fast delivery, well packaged. My questions were answered quickly
Marian S.
Professional explanation
Wonderful presentation of the works with professional explanation in relaxed atmosphere.
Very convincing ! Smooth purchase.Paul C.
Friendly reception.
Friendly reception in Knokke and very good explanation on how to use the clock. Perfect!
Marc D.
Artists and Designers in the spotlight.
Biegert & Funk
Read all about the QLOCKTWO EarthstArt to Art is the largest distributor of QLOCKTWO in the BeNeLux.
With this unparalleled design you get a beautiful work of art in your home.
Come see all versions of this word clock in the gallery in Knokke and be enchanted by this piece of technology.
Joke Verrelst
Read all about Joke VerrelstJoke Verrelst Creates beautiful three-dimensional mosaic portraits of resin.
The distinctive tub-shaped cubes that are Joke Verrelst used are manually colored and laid resulting in a stunning three-dimensional effect.
Joke Verrelst Also transforms personal photographs into original works of art.
Michel Peeraer
Read all about Edith VerwimpEdith Verwimp is the inspirer of the gallery stArt to Art.
She studied painting in Antwerp for 4 years where she deepened her love for art and interior design.
Her custom paintings have found their way into countless interiors.
Elke Meulendijks
Lees hier alles over Elke MeulendijksElke Meulendijks studeerde aan de Academie Beeldende Vorming in Tilburg. Ze vindt inspiratie in haar tuin, waar de eeuwenoude platanen haar muze zijn. De kleuren en het licht spatten uit het doek de kamer in.
Luc De Maeght
Read all about Luc De MaeghtLuc De Maeght is a multi talented artist with whom love is always central.
The trademark registered by Luc 'Love is the Key' finds its way into various paintings and designs.
The immensely popular image 'Saint of Love' is also by his hand.
Rose Marie Warzée
Read all about Rose Marie WarzéeRose Marie Warzée creates sculptures in powder-coated metal and in corten steel
Corten steel sculptures are very distinctive and often have movable elements that allow the work to be placed in multiple positions.
In turn, the metal sculptures powder coated in beautiful colors are very decorative and modern. -
Monique Lipsch
Read all about Monique LipschVisual artist Monique Lipsch Creates haunting bronze and epoxy sculptures.
The bronze and epoxy sculptures are powerful statements in your interior or garden.
Ignace Bauwens
Lees hier alles over Ignace BauwensIgnace Bauwens (1972) excelleert in de kunst van hedendaags realisme. Zijn kunstwerken voegen een tijdloze elegantie toe aan zowel klassieke als moderne interieurs.
Edith Verwimp
Lees hier alles over Edith VerwimpEdith Verwimp is de bezieler van de galerie stArt to Art.
Ze studeerde 4 jaar schilderkunst in Antwerpen waar ze de liefde voor kunst en interieur heeft uitgediept.
Haar op maat gemaakte schilderijen hebben hun weg gevonden in talloze interieurs.

Decorate your interior
The finishing touch!
Decorate your interior with original accessories such as wall decorations, vases, bowls, figurines and figures and the birds of DaqiConcept.
View all-
Appartement Knokke
Edith Verwimp van stArt to Art heeft een lichtovergoten 2-slaapkamer appartement in Knokke volledig heringericht.
Appartement Knokke
Edith Verwimp van stArt to Art heeft een lichtovergoten 2-slaapkamer appartement in Knokke volledig heringericht.
Apartment Knokke
A beautiful 2 bedroom apartment in a prime location in Knokke was decorated by Edith Verwimp from stArt to Art taken care of.
Apartment Knokke
A beautiful 2 bedroom apartment in a prime location in Knokke was decorated by Edith Verwimp from stArt to Art taken care of.
Apartment Knokke
A beautiful 2 bedroom apartment in Knokke was gutted and decorated by Edith Verwimp from stArt to Art.
Apartment Knokke
A beautiful 2 bedroom apartment in Knokke was gutted and decorated by Edith Verwimp from stArt to Art.

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